Friday, August 19, 2011

Bling birthday!

DSCF1556Last Saturday I made these cupcakes for a 40th birthday party. B had asked for chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate, pastel purple, pastel blue and pastel pink ganache decorated with silver hearts, stars, flowers etc to add sufficient ‘bling’ to the cupcakes.




I love how the colours came together perfectly and that the decorations add some fabulousness! I think they are perfect for a birthday bash and definitely have a gorgeous girly touch.



I hope that you had an amazing birthday celebration and that you enjoyed your cupcakes B! x

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Peter Pan and friends

My gorgeous nephew, Zac, is turning one next month and to celebrate his special day my sister wants to have a dress-up birthday party for him. After sharing different ideas we arrived at Peter Pan and she decided that that would be the theme! Unfortunately, they live in Zambia which means that the rest of our family won’t be with them on the day. I wanted to make something special for the party and knowing I was going to see them this last weekend I decided that I would make some cake decorations that my sister could take home with her and use on Zac’s cake. I have been using every spare moment to make these edible Peter Pan characters but have had stacks of fun doing it and I learnt a lot on the way. When I showed my sister last Thursday she was so surprised and excited! Even though I won’t be at Zac’s birthday party I am so glad that was able to contribute in some way!



